Becoming a better director.
IoD awards, certificate and diploma level qualifications are internationally recognised and credit rated under the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). Exams are flexible and can be taken at various dates throughout the year at a time that works best for you. They are completed using a computer-based testing system and are remotely invigilated allowing you to choose when and where you take them.
You will need to pass an exam at the end of each certificate module. Each exam is made up of 16 multiple choice questions and lasts 45 minutes. You’ll receive your results within four weeks.
To obtain the diploma, you’ll need to complete the Developing Board Performance module and pass a three-hour exam. We publish a standard exam question beforehand, which you’ll need to answer in relation to a case study released on the day of the exam.
Browse dates below to book an exam directly, or visit the IoD Academy. Please email the exams team if you have any questions: [email protected].
We will help you prepare for certificate exams with two-hour preparation sessions, scheduled the fortnight before your exam. These virtual sessions are run by course leaders from each of the four certificate areas, providing an opportunity to practice and discuss sample questions with a group of peers. These sessions can be booked directly below selecting exam preparation tick box (please note you will not be charged despite being asked for a payment option) or by emailing [email protected] and are included in your course fees.
The IoD recognises that in some instances, certain programmes and qualifications already completed by individuals are at an equivalent or higher level to IoD certificate qualifications. Participants who have gained these qualifications may apply for an exemption from the relevant certificate courses allowing faster completion of the IoD certificate modules. Please note that exemptions apply to the courses and not the exams.
Full details of the exemptions policy can be found here.
IoD Academy
All learning and exam preparation materials are available on the IoD Academy, our online learning platform.
Prices and discounts
Purchase all four certificate exams together for a discount.
Multiple dates
Browse dates to book an exam. The closing date for application is four weeks before the exam. Results are awarded approximately four weeks following an exam.
Please note your first exam fee is included in the cost of your course when booking a Certificate module and the Diploma. Any resits can be booked below.
Dates and prices
Here you’ll find many common questions about sitting IoD exams and our examination platform Civica Assess.
- Civica Assess exam platform
- Registration and Exam Bookings
- Digital Academy and MyIoD
- Exam day process
- Results and certification
- Certificate modular exams
- Diploma exam
What is Civica Assess?
Civica Assess is an online, browser-based, assessment platform which can be accessed via Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
I have an Apple Mac device and it only has Safari, what can I do?
If you are using an Apple device for your exam, you will need to download the latest version of Chrome to be able to access the Civica Assess in order to take your exams.
Is there a live Invigilator?
No, as you take your exam you are being recorded through your camera, the sound is also being recorded and your screen is being monitored, the recordings go through an extensive review process to ensure no malpractice has taken place.
Do I need to schedule a time to do my exam?
No, the exam window will open and close at the following times:
Certificate exams open at 08:00 and close at 17:00 UK time, So you must commence your exam by 16:00 to avoid being locked out.
Diploma exams will open at 08:00 and close at 14:00 UK time. So you must commence your exam by 13:30 to avoid being locked out.
How can I check my computer works with Civica Assess?
To conduct a system check, please click this link.
This can also be found on the landing page of Civica Assess in the bottom right, green box.
Alternatively, further information can be located in the Record and Review Guidance document sent to you from the examinations team.
What type of headset can I use for the exam?
A plug-in headset with a lead must be used for your exam on Civica Assess.
Please note that Apple air pods or wireless earbuds or headsets are NOT permitted.
Can I use two screens for my exam?
No, you can dock a laptop and use an external monitor to allow for a larger screen, however, this MUST be mirroring the same content as your laptop.
You will need to ensure that the external monitor is set to be used as a single screen and that the camera is facing you. Your screen will be recorded.
How can I contact Civica Assess?
Civica Assess Candidate Support:
The telephone number is:
+44 113 518 2822 (open on exam day only at 08:00 – 18:00 UK time)
Email address:
[email protected] (monitored inbox)
Where and how do I book my exam preparation sessions or exams?
From January 2024 upon booking your course, your exam preparation and exam(s) will have been automatically booked on the next available session. You would have received notification of these separate bookings.
If you have not received it, please contact [email protected].
How do I book my exams?
If your exam is included in the course fee, from January 2024, your exam preparation and exam(s) will be automatically booked on the next available session. You will receive notification of these separate bookings.
If you do not receive it, please contact [email protected].
If your exam is not included in the course fee, or if you are re-sitting an exam, please book it by choosing your exam and preferred date on this page.
If you have any questions regarding the exam booking, please contact [email protected]
I need to cancel or reschedule my exam preparation or exam. How do I do this?
If you need to cancel or change your exam date, you have 14 days to do this for free. Please contact the team at [email protected].
After this period, you will need to re-book an exam using the options on this page and pay the exam fee.
For more information, please refer to the terms and conditions or please contact [email protected].
Where can I locate the practice tests for the certificate modules?
All practice tests associated with the exams can be located on the Digital Academy.
The Civica exam delivery platform has a short test to enable you to familiarise yourself with the functions, layout and features of the platform.
Where can I locate the practice test for the Diploma exam on Civica exam delivery platform?
When you log onto Civica, under the ‘live’ icon, four Diploma practice materials will be assigned to you. This is to enable you to familiarise yourself with the functions, layout and features of the platform.
Where can I locate the ratio sheet for my Finance for Non-Finance Directors exam or my Diploma exam?
You will be sent a copy of the ratio sheet from the examinations team for the Finance for Non-Finance Directors exam which you are allowed to print off and bring into the Finance for Non-Finance Directors exam. However, this must be a clean sheet with no markup or calculations.
For the Diploma exam, a copy of the ratio sheet will be available on the exam delivery platform. You can, if you wish, bring a hard copy to the Diploma exam. However, this must be a clean sheet with no markup or calculations.
Where is the calculator on the Civica delivery platform?
You will find an icon for a basic calculator in the top right-hand corner, just below the ‘finish’ button for the Finance for Non-Finance Directors exam. Is it not available for any of the other cert exams?
You are allowed to bring a non-scientific calculator to the exam.
The calculator icon is NOT available for the Diploma exam. Therefore, you are therefore advised to bring a non-scientific calculator to the exam.
How do I log in to the IoD Academy?
Click ‘Sign in’ on the top right-hand corner of this website.
Enter your username and password.
Click the ‘IoD Academy’ link (also on the top of this website) to access the learning platform.
If you are accessing your IoD account for the first time you will need to verify your account details by clicking the “Forgot my password” link on the website and completing the steps outlined.
Please email [email protected], if you have any difficulty accessing the platform.
What should I do if I have forgotten my username to log in to Digital Academy?
If you have forgotten your username, please email [email protected].
Note – please do not set up another account as this could cause access problems.
What should I do if I have forgotten my password Digital Academy?
Go to www.iod.com and click the ‘Sign in’ button on the right side of the page.
The login page will open. Please click ‘Forgotten password’ (under the ‘login’ box).
You will need to enter your email address to request a new password.
You will be emailed a password reset link.
If you do not receive this email, please contact [email protected].
How do I access the exam preparation material on the IoD Academy?
The exam preparation material will become available upon completion of the course and can be found under the ‘Exam Preparation’ tab in each Certificate module.
Click the arrows in the top right to navigate through content.
If you have any issues logging into the IoD Academy or accessing the exam preparation material, please contact [email protected].
When I log into digital academy to locate the exam preparation materials, why do they not appear?
If you cannot locate the exam preparation materials, please contact [email protected] for support.
If I have my exam preparation session booked but have not received any further information about it, who should I contact?
Please contact [email protected] for information on the exam preparation bookings.
Why is my exam information not displayed on the digital academy after I have received my results.
Information about completed examinations is not shown on the digital academy. If you require confirmation of your exam result, please contact [email protected].
Why is my exam information not displayed on MyIoD
Information about completed examinations is not shown on the digital academy.
If you need to change the date of the exam or confirmation of your exam result, please contact the [email protected].
What does Photo ID (identification) image mean?
Photo ID image is a form of legal verification to show that you are who you say you are.
We ask for this to validate that the correct person registered is taking the exam.
What types of Photo ID (identification) documents are acceptable?
The following valid and current photo identification documents are acceptable for the verification check prior to the exam taking place:
Current passport
Current driving licence* (photocard).
National ID card (containing photo)
* Paper driving licence holders must also provide a supporting photo ID such as armed forces, police, student union or company ID card.
When you say 360 room sweep, does that mean I need to move my camera / device to show the above and below?
Room sweep is the term used for the video you supply to us in the pre-examination checks. This must be done so that we know the exam protocols are being followed.
For example, no unauthorised materials or equipment, and no other people in the room. You will not be able to continue if this step is not completed.
We need a full panoramic view of your room, as well as above and below your desk. However, if your device has a built-in camera, please refer to the Record and Review guidance document or alternatively please contact [email protected] where a member of the team will be able to provide further advice.
I have tried to upload the ID/room sweep recording and it is giving me an error, what do I need to?
Please follow the below steps:
• Exit out of the exam and turn your webcam on to ensure that it is working correctly, then repeat the above process.
• Contact the Civica Assess Helpdesk who will be able to assist with resolving the issue.
The ‘choose to share’ when doing a system check has 3 options, Entire screen, Window, Chrome, which should I use?
The 3 options are a default set by the browser itself, you must only select ‘Entire Screen’ and click ‘share’ before it takes you to the exam. For more information, please refer to the Record and Review guidance document that has been sent to you from the examination team.
I used my IOD / Digital Academy password on Civica Assess. Why does it not work?
Civica Assess is a different platform from Digital Academy and MyIoD.
If it is your first time using Civica Assess, you will be sent an email with a link to change your password.
Digital Academy and MyIoD use the same password login.
My Civica Assess account has been disabled, what shall I do?
Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] where they will be able to re-enable your account as well as reset your password.
What can I bring into the exam with me?
You can bring the following into the exam:
A small amount of food and drink.
Two sheets of blank A4 paper.
A non-programmable calculator (a calculator that does not have a function button and cannot have formulae programmed into the memory; a scientific calculator or a smartphone cannot be used in the exams under any circumstance).
When do I receive my results?
Usually, this will be within four weeks of the exam. Please contact [email protected] if you haven’t received your results within this period.
I understand results have been released, but it seems I have not received mine, what do I need to do?
Results are published and released by the Civica exam platform from ‘noreplycalibrandtest.com’.
If you have used your personal email address for the exam:
Please check your junk mail to ensure it has not been filtered.
Gmail email accounts, please go to ‘mailboxes’ and select ‘All Mail’ and on the search bar, enter ‘noreplycalibrand.com’
If you have used a work email address for the exam:
Please contact your IT department to check that it has not been blocked by the security firewall.
Please check your junk mail to ensure it has not been filtered.
I have sat and passed all the exams for the Certificate in Company Direction. When will I receive my digital certificate?
Certificates are usually distributed within six to eight weeks of receiving your result.
if you have not received your certificate within this period, please see contact [email protected].
It has been more than eight weeks and I have not received my digital certificate?
If you have not received your digital certificate within this time frame. Please contact [email protected].
Can I get a hard copy of my certificate?
The IoD no longer issues hardcopy certificates for the following:
Certificate in Company Direction.
Diploma in Company Direction.
Certificates issued to candidates are all digital, if you require a hard copy, a fee is chargeable. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
I need to order a replacement or duplicate copy of my certificates.
A replacement or duplicate copy of a certificate has a fee attached, please contact [email protected] for further information.
How can I re-sit the exam if I was not successful with my recent exam?
To re-sit an exam, you can book and pay for your re-sit by selecting an available exam on this web page.
What is the exam duration for Certificate?
Each Certificate exam is 45 minutes long and is composed of 16 multiple-choice questions.
These questions are made up of 12 one-mark questions and four two-mark questions (total 20 marks).
What is the pass mark?
To achieve a pass, candidate will need to achieve 50%. To achieve a distinction, candidates will need to achieve 75%.
I have received my Certificate in Company Direction and it I don’t see a ‘distinction’ on it. Why is that?
In order to achieve an overall ‘Distinction’ for the qualification, you must achieve 3 out 4 with distinctions in your exams. If not, the overall result will be a ‘Pass’.
Can I take all four Certificate modular exams in one day?
You can but this will be a tall ask. You are advised to take the exam at your earliest convenience after your course. There is no recommended sequence although it is generally thought best to take a maximum of two exams on any one day.
Can I book an exam before I book the course?
No. You will not be able to book your exam before you have booked the course.
My results letter says pass / fail / distinction. Can I find out my numerical score?
No. The IoD does not release the numerical score for any of the Certificate in Company Direction exams.
What is the exam duration for Diploma?
The Diploma exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes or 195 minutes long and it is based on a case study. Total 100 marks.
What is the format of the Diploma exam?
The question for the Diploma in Company Direction exam is standard and pre-published by the IoD.
This means that you will know the question you need to answer prior to taking the exam.
However, you will NOT have sight of the case study, which you will only see when you commence the exam.
The question will remain the same, while the case study will change at each exam.
What is the standard question for the Diploma exam?
The standard question is as follows:
As a newly appointed non-executive director at [DCS]*, prepare a set of notes for the next board meeting that:
• critically evaluate the current position and performance of [DCS];
• critically evaluate the challenges facing [DCS] and formulate possible strategic options; and
• recommend a way forward, paying attention to your identified strategic options. Include how this may impact [DCS] and outline any additional information the board would need to review before making a decision.
*[DCS] = Name of the organisation featured in the Diploma Case Study.
What level is the IoD Diploma in Company Direction exam?
IoD qualifications are credit-rated under the internationally recognised Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
Diploma in Company Direction
SCQF Level
Equivalent level in England and Wales
Equivalent higher education level
Are all exam dates available worldwide?
Yes. IoD exams are conducted via remote invigilation and are available anywhere in the world, provided the technical specifications are met.
How long after my course do I have to take my exam?
We recommend you take your exam as soon as possible once you have completed the course, so the learning remains fresh in your mind. We also recommend you allow for sufficient revision time before completing the exam.
As the course syllabuses are updated on a regular basis, all exams must be taken within two years of your course completion date.
Can I take the Diploma exam before I have successfully completed my Certificate exams?
No, you have to pass the Certificate in Company Direction before taking the Diploma exam.
Are previous Diploma exam papers available for revision purposes?
Yes, a number of previous Diploma case studies are available in the exam preparation section on the IoD Academy, which will become available upon completion of the course. Two weeks prior to the exam you will also be given access to a previous Diploma case study on Civica, the exam delivery system, which will allow you to both revise and familiarise yourself with the exam interface.
What is the pass or distinction mark?
To achieve a pass, candidates will need to achieve 50%. For a distinction, candidates will need to achieve 70%.
I have received my Diploma in Company Direction and it I don’t see a ‘distinction’ on it. Why is that?
For a distinction, you will need to achieve 70%.
Once I have completed the Diploma, what are my next steps in continuing my professional development?
The next step in your professional development with the IoD is to become a Chartered Director.
Chartered Director is the benchmark of director excellence, providing you with professional recognition, enhanced career prospects and access to an exclusive network of senior professionals recognised for their outstanding leadership and contribution to business.
Further information can be found here.
Please contact [email protected] for further informatoon and advice about your particular circumstances.
Once I have completed the Diploma, what are my next steps in continuing my professional development?
The next step in your professional development with the IoD is to become a Chartered Director.
Chartered Director is the benchmark of director excellence, providing you with professional recognition, enhanced career prospects and access to an exclusive network of senior professionals recognised for their outstanding leadership and contribution to business.
Further information can be found here.
Please contact [email protected] for further information and advice about your particular circumstances.
For support with our exam platform Civica Assess, please call +44 113 518 2822
(open on exam day only at 08:00 – 18:00 UK time) or email [email protected] (a monitored inbox).
Available online
We provide tailored one-to-one support for all certificate and diploma examinations. Available online with an expert course leader, our tuition service provides rapid and effective guidance on exam technique and the specific areas from the course that you want to focus on. If you are interested in this service please email [email protected].

Here to help
Please get in touch if you have any questions about our business courses. Our contact hours are 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. If you would like someone from our team to contact you, please email us at [email protected] and we will get in touch within 24 hours on weekdays.