Director of the Year Awards Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
1.1. These terms and conditions, together with any additional application form provided by us via our website (together the “Terms”) govern the Director of the Year Award Awards (the “Awards”) organised by the Institute of Directors (“IoD“, “we“, “us” or “our“). Please read the Terms carefully and ensure you understand them before entering the Awards. By entering the Awards, all entrants (“you”) agree to be bound by these Terms.
1.2. The IoD is incorporated by Royal Charter with registered number RC000252. Our registered office is located at 116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED. You can contact our Company Secretariat on [email protected] or by writing to the IoD’s Company Secretariat, 116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED.
2. Eligibility
2.1. Our Director of the Year Awards look to celebrate your personal achievements. While we recognise that many achievements are made through teamwork and the support of your colleagues and employees, we want to hear about your efforts in making it happen. In your application you will be asked to list your company name, and this information will be used in press releases; where you have ties to multiple companies, we recommend listing the name of the company which supports the evidence you give in your application best.
2.2. Our award for Chartered Director of the year is based on the highest scoring candidate (as determined by us) from the qualifying Chartered Directors (being the newly minted Chartered Directors from the previous calendar year).
2.3. Our other awards are open to non-directors as long as the role carried out by the entrant is equivalent to the duties of a statutory director (as determined by us).
2.4. IoD staff members, IoD course leaders and consultants, those in a volunteer leadership role with the IoD (national/regional chairs, branch chairs, board or council members, SIG leads and national spokespeople for IoD ambassador groups) are not eligible to enter the Awards.
2.5. Only one director can apply per category unless a role is shared, in which case the relevant IoD regional team will review and approve on a case-by-case basis.
2.6. You can only apply to the nation that the company (you work for/your role is associated with) is based in. If your company operates from numerous locations, you must pick only one nation.
2.7. Self-nominations are accepted. Nominations can be made by a third party with the nominee’s consent.
3. Judging Criteria
3.1. The IoD will appoint independent judging panels to assess all entries and thereafter to draw up shortlists and winners in each Awards category.
3.2. The judges have the right to withhold an award in any category or cancel a category if they feel the entries received are not of sufficient merit.
3.3. The Judges may, at their discretion, reallocate an entry to a different category if they feel it better meets the criteria of that category. You will be notified and asked to provide entry information for the proposed change in categories, where required.
3.4. By entering a submission for the Awards, you agree to supply any additional financial or other information requested by the IoD or the judging panel. Entrants’ consent to this information being made available to the judging panel and IoD staff is in association with the Awards process. Any information supplied shall be held by the IoD for the purpose of judging only and will be dealt with in accordance with the IoD’s Privacy Policy.
3.5. The judges may contact applicants for further information. This contact will be made via IoD staff. The judges will also carry out due diligence on all entrants which may include general backgrounds checks. In some instances the IoD may require more enhanced checks. If you are selected for an enhanced check you will be contacted to give your consent for this to be carried out.
3.6. The judging panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into with applicants or nominees.
3.7. The judging panel follow a clear set of criteria to complete judging and finalists for each category are chosen based on the highest percentage of scores in the relevant categories for that award. The judging panel will assess nominees based on general criteria relating to the IoD’s Competency Framework for Directors, along with specific criteria for the particular category of award.
4. Prize
4.1. The winner will receive the accolade of being the winner of the applicable Awards category and a trophy.
4.2. The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is available.
5. Publicity and Media
5.1. The winner and all short listers/highly commended entrants agree to participate in reasonable publicity activities related to the Awards, including interviews and photographs.
5.2. The IoD and any sponsor of the award for which you are nominated reserves the right to use the winner’s/short lister’s name and company name for promotional purposes.
6. Protection of Reputation
6.1. By completing an application form for the Awards, or by consenting to being nominated, you are confirming that you have no unspent criminal convictions and that you are not an undischarged bankrupt. If you have any regulatory investigations being carried out against you then these must be disclosed as part of your application.
6.2. We reserve the right to refuse any Awards application at our complete discretion and at any time during the process between your application and announcement of the winner. If we refuse your Awards application or nomination, we will inform you of our decision to do so as soon as reasonably practicable. Following announcement of the winner/short listers the IoD reserves the right to withdraw any award made if it has reasonable grounds to believe that doing so is necessary to protect the IoD’s reputation or it comes to the IoD’s attention that you are in breach of these Terms.
6.3. As an entrant to the Awards, you must provide honest and accurate information and conduct yourself, both publicly and privately, in a professional manner which is in keeping with the IoD’s values and constitution and not do anything, or enable anything to be done, that may cause any harm or loss to the IoD’s goodwill, reputation or professional standing. Entrants agree not to engage in (and that they have not engaged in) any activity that could harm the reputation of the IoD, the Awards, the judging panel or other entrants or IoD members. This includes, but is not limited to, making false or misleading statements, engaging in illegal or unethical activities, or publicly disparaging the IoD, its members, the judging panel or the Awards.
6.4. You must not do or enable anything to be done to any IoD member, employee or worker, consultant or contractor and/or any third-party company or individual who is engaged by or on behalf of the IoD or is closely connected to the IoD that may in the IoD’s opinion be considered to be inappropriate, distressing, disrespectful, obscene, embarrassing or otherwise offensive.
6.5. Any breach of this clause may result in disqualification from the Awards, IoD membership and/or legal action.
7. Data Protection
7.1. By entering into these Terms you acknowledge that we will collect and process your personal data as necessary for our performance of these Terms on the basis set out in our Privacy Policy in force from time to time and available on our website at https://www.iod.com/legal/privacy-policy/ and/or from our Company Secretariat.
8. Advertising and use of the IoD trademarks/intellectual property
8.1. If you are shortlisted for an award, or you are the winner of an award you may state this on your website and publicity/marketing materials but, save as expressly confirmed to you in writing by the IoD, you must not use the IoD logo, or any other IoD branding (including, without limitation, the IoD Digital Academy branding, logo, colour palette and any other distinct and/or identifying marks) (the “Marks”) or in any way imply that you are employed or engaged or endorsed by the IoD in any other way unless this is the case. You must not claim to represent publicly the views of the IoD or to claim its support.
9. Liability
9.1. The IoD has no liability to you, or any company associated with you, for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.
9.2. We shall not be responsible for any breach by the IoD or any third party where such breach is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. When we say “circumstances beyond our reasonable control”, we mean any act or event beyond our reasonable control and which is not attributable to any act or failure to take preventative action by us (including, for example, a terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, a natural disaster, a failure of public or private telecommunications networks or impossibility or the use of any means of public or private transport). If a breach is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you of it, and our obligations under these Terms will be suspended for the duration of those circumstances.
10. General
10.1 The IoD reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time.
10.2 These Terms govern the relationship between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of the Terms.
10.3 We will do our best to resolve any disputes over these Terms. These Terms, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by the laws of England and Wales. You and we both agree that these Terms are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
10.4 Any failure or delay by us to action a breach by you of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of any rights and remedies we have in respect of such breach.
11. Contact Information
11.1 For any queries regarding the Awards, please contact [email protected].
11.2 By submitting a nomination or consenting to a nomination being made on your behalf, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms.