What is a chartered director?
Chartered Director is the IoD's flagship qualification, devised and revised by leading directors for the benefit of members, directors and the wider business world.
The Chartered Director Qualification is a recommended, but non-mandatory, certificate of experience, ability and knowledge around crucial aspects of governance, leadership and development. Unlike becoming a chartered accountant or surveyor, chartered directorship is not a prerequisite or licence to practice, but instead an official and recognised endorsement of your skills, professionalism and knowledge of corporate governance best-practice.
To qualify as a chartered director, individuals must first have achieved both the Certificate in Company Direction and the Diploma in Company Direction.
- vision, purpose, values and ethics
- strategic thinking and stakeholder management
- exercising effective and accountable leadership
- discharging your duties as a director and as a competent member of a collective and responsible body
- promoting good governance in all aspects of business and leadership
Knowledge, skills and experience required
- be a full member or Fellow of the IoD
- have obtained a pass or above in the Certificate in Company Direction in the last 10 years
- have obtained a pass or above in the Diploma in Company Direction in the last 10 years
- substantial experience in one or more director or equivalent roles for a period of three full years during the last ten years
- for each directorship, that the board is autonomous and formally constituted, and comprises at least three directors – executive and non-executive
- you participate in regular board meetings – at least four a year, with two or more other directors
- you work for an organisation that has a minimum of five employees and generates a minimum turnover of £250,000 per annum
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