International Trade Group launches new season of First Wednesday networking
The IoD International Trade Group hosted its September First Wednesday networking on 4 September with a focus on the largest economy in Central Asia, Kazakhstan.
The event – ‘ESG and infrastructure priorities in Eurasia – was facilitated by the Group’s committee, Vanessa Dal Busco, Dr Yildiz Tugba Kara, Rie Hamaguchi and Ian Taylor.
Attendees gained valuable insights from key speakers Lord Waverley and Grigory Savva.
Lord Waverley’s interest is international affairs through first-hand engagement with activities centred around working in the developing world and emerging markets. He contributes regularly to proceedings on international issues, addressing many challenging issues of the day.
He has received state decorations from Colombia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Grigory is the Associate Director of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Sustainable Infrastructure Group, overseeing infrastructure operations in Central Asia.
He has 20 years of project finance experience and a track record of closing over 40 projects across seven countries. Grigory provided an overview of infrastructure finance and the opportunities available in Kazakhstan.
The First Wednesday event was held at St James Garlickhythe, a Church of England parish church in the Vintry ward of the City of London which dates back to the 12th century.
International Trade Group committee member Vanessa Dal Busco said: “Our First Wednesday events provide IoD members and guests with unparalleled insights into economies from across the globe and the business opportunities they present.
“Lord Waverley and Grigory eloquently articulated the inside facts about infrastructure and development in Kazakhstan.
“Attendees were also able to network among the stunning architecture and rich heritage of the church known as ‘Wren’s Lantern’”.
The International Trade Group’s next First Wednesday event is on 2 October 2024 with a focus on Azerbaijan. Attendees will be joined by the UK Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Elin Suleymanov.
Find out more here.
The International Trade Group is one of many IoD Special Interest Groups, providing a platform for members across the UK to connect with like-minded directors.