Climate change governance The role of the Board of Directors
IoD Isle of Man opened the discussion into Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in a recent webinar hosted at ELS Studios on 25th May. ESG affairs are increasingly at the top of a board’s agenda, as companies acknowledge the pressing need to deliver on ESG metrics, offering transparency and accountability to investors, employees, customers, and the wider community.
IoD Isle of Man opened the discussion into Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in a recent webinar hosted at ELS Studios on 25th May. ESG affairs are increasingly at the top of a board’s agenda, as companies acknowledge the pressing need to deliver on ESG metrics, offering transparency and accountability to investors, employees, customers, and the wider community.
Climate change represents both risk and opportunity to companies, therefore the board of directors have a duty to identify and respond to such risk.
IoD Isle of Man were pleased to invite three executives and board members of companies heavily involved in promoting sustainable development, to a panel discussion.
Jennifer Houghton, Chair IoD Isle of Man and Mark Waterhouse, Chair IoD Isle of Man Membership Subcommittee, welcomed,
Alan Duffy, the Chief Executive Officer and Head of Banking, Ireland, and sustainability lead for Europe,
Ieda Gomes Yell, Visiting Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and non-executive director at Saint Gobain/Bureau Veritas/Exterran/Prumo, and Karina Kitvack Chairman of the Governing Board, Climate Governance Initiative, and NED on four boards including Eni.
The full webinar can be viewed below –
This webinar offered a great discussion with key questions raised. ESG matters will continue to be addressed and discussed in upcoming events.
The IoD Isle of Man Branch is kindly supported by HSBC.