B Corp Benefits for your Business Supporting businesses on their sustainable growth journeys
If you’d like to use your business as a force for good – economically, socially and environmentally, explore this introductory session on B Corp.
This webinar demystifies the B Corp movement, highlighting the business benefits and common questions associated with making your business economically, socially and environmentally positive
Mehalah Beckett, Chief Sustainability Officer at Connect Three, guides you through:
- What the B Corp movement is and how it can influence your business.
- How to reach high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.
- Getting started on your sustainability journey by focusing on the specific improvements that are right for your business, people and the planet.
Watch this webinar on-demand organised by IoD Scotland and learn how to cultivate an environmentally conscious business.
Better directors for a better world
The IoD supports directors and business leaders across the UK and beyond to learn, network and build successful, responsible businesses.
Making better choices for a better world
Browse valuable environment and sustainability resources from the IoD.