IoD Code of Conduct for Directors

The Institute of Directors' Code of Conduct for Directors is a practical tool to help directors make better decisions.

It also provides organisational leaders with a behavioural framework that can help them build and maintain the trust of the wider public in their business activities.

The Code will help directors navigate the complex trade-offs that they deal with every day. And it will support them in becoming respected leaders who do the right thing for their organisations.

The Code represents a voluntary commitment and is not intended to hold back directors or create a new burden of compliance. It is structured around six key ‘Principles of Director Conduct’:

  • Leading by Example – demonstrating exemplary standards of behaviour in personal conduct and decision-making.
  • Integrity – acting with honesty, adhering to strong ethical values, and doing the right thing.
  • Transparency – communicating, acting and making decisions openly, honestly and clearly.
  • Accountability – taking personal responsibility for actions and their consequences.
  • Fairness – treating people equitably, without discrimination or bias.
  • Responsible Business – integrating ethical and sustainable practices into business decisions, taking into account societal and environmental impacts.

The Code of Conduct was developed for the IoD by a Commission under the chairmanship of Lord McNicol of West Kilbride, and was published with the support of BDO. It was subject to an extensive public consultation exercise, with the Code receiving strong endorsement from the overwhelming majority of respondents.

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