IoD comment Another delay to import controls is not helpful to business!
The government has announced that it will not be going ahead with planned safety checks on the import of EU plant and food products just two weeks before the checks were due to be implemented.
The delay comes amidst fears of significant disruption after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) announced that border systems would not be completely ready in time and would overwhelm ports.
Defra is proposing that border systems are turned on incrementally by different product types in a phasing in style approach to avoid some of this disruption.
This is fifth time that planned border controls have been delayed. It is frustrating that the government keeps shifting the timeline. Businesses need stability in order to be able to plan ahead, and continual changes to deadlines creates an unpredictable context and makes it hard for firms to trust government decisions.
The IoD is urging the government to follow a timeline and truly stick to it so that businesses can properly get ready to adjust to the upcoming changes to import controls.