IoD Scotland State of the Nation Survey - 2023
We have formally opened our State of the Nation Survey for 2023. The member only survey is a follow up to the inaugural survey that we issued last year.
The results of the first survey were incredibly useful and supported the IoD Scotland Executive Team and ambassador led Scottish Advisory Forum (SAF) to shape our key areas of work across 2022 and is what led to the Policy Forum on Talent & Skills last October.
Our intention is to use the 2023 survey to measure how things have changed and moved on for our members, drawing out comparisons from last year and giving us a strong steer on the most pertinent issues facing our members in the coming months. We are very aware that the cost of doing business crisis and wider economic uncertainty has had an effect across our membership and are keen that we accurately reflect the feelings of our members in our discussions with Ministers and policy makers at both a Scotland, UK and local government level.
The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed via the link here.
Please help us to amplify the voice of IoD Scotland members and complete the survey as soon as possible. The survey will be open to complete until 5pm on Friday 10th of March.
Last year we were pleased to receive a 20% completion rate for the survey, giving us a representative sample of the Scotland wide membership. The results of last year’s survey were published in a report, available on the IoD Scotland website here.
The report was shared widely with our stakeholders, including Scottish Government Ministers and officials as well as national media outlets and was well received and regularly referenced by all. Our plan is to do the same with the results from this year’s survey. A copy of the report will be shared with all IoD Scotland members.