Ambassador profile Gavin Currie, Legacie Developments
Get to know your local ambassador
Describe your role as an ambassador
Fundamentally, as with my day job, to help people in all the forms that takes. I like to see businesses do well but more importantly I love to see a happy and engaged company. I see part of my role as an ambassador as helping fellow directors achieve that. The IoD really can help businesses and sometimes just spreading the word helps.
What is your job?
I oversee all aspects of the development and construction business. As a business we have an enviable track record of delivering schemes of more than £100m gross development value across the North West. We employ more than 90 permanent staff.
Previous roles
I was managing director of a £50m turnover construction business in the North of Scotland and group director of the larger business that it sat within. Prior to that I held senior operations and executive roles in the construction and development sectors.
What do you do to relax outside work?
I am an avid reader and love to travel but my first love is my family, closely followed by work. I am afraid I just enjoy working so much!
How long have you been an IoD member?
About five years.
What part of IoD membership do you value most?
The connectivity and the people you meet. There is always someone to share and learn from.
What are the top three things about your branch area?
As a Glaswegian now living in Liverpool I will give three answers that both cities share; People, People, People!
What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months?
Working hard, seeing the North West flourish despite any challenges. Oh – and hopefully a good holiday!
What advice would you give to yourself when you started out in business?
First of all I hope I would have listened, but truthfully I am not convinced. Probably less advice and more observational: “Occasionally stop and appreciate the good people that you work and learn from, one day you will look back and realise how much you learned from them and what a key influence they have had on you.”
That is something I am acutely aware in my current role. If I can in someway positively affect people as they progress through their career then I am happy.
Would you like to raise your profile and get closer to the North West business community? We are looking for members to join our regional committee as IoD ambassadors.
As an ambassador you will be a ‘go to’ person for members and other directors. You will provide thought leadership, support and guidance. Interested? Contact [email protected]