IoD Central London to launch new music & arts Special Interest Group
An introduction from Reena Dayal, IoD Central London acting Chair and Tom Petzal, Member/ Chair of Music and Arts Special Interest Group.
At first glance music, arts and the IoD might sound counter-intuitive, however on closer inspection you might begin to see what we have in store.
After months of deliberation with members of the IoD, the IoD Central London Committee approved the creation of this Special Interest Group (SIG) which has three objectives.
First, it is all about unwrapping the hidden artistic talent and passion of so many members, often too deeply concealed behind a stern business exterior. It is recognising that for future leaders every bit of talent, hobby and passion must get a chance to flourish and be visible as it creates a stronger leader. It follows the principle of holistic leadership. We encourage our members to make visible and share this wonderful side that exist in each of us.
Second, it is about IoD supporting this sector organising events featuring established and new age performers, artists and practitioners – initially at 116 Pall Mall. Thereafter we look forward to getting the IoD name out and about in London in hosting/ co-creating events at well-recognised and hidden culture hubs in London. We welcome members to not only attend these events but also to suggest events and locations that would be suitable.
Last but not the least, we recognise that IoD has always been behind the scenes in the arts: corporate supporters, business sponsors, trustees, individual philanthropists to say nothing of performers professional or amateur. With the changing times we see an opportunity to explore how small, old and new (as well as SME’s) could engage with the Music and Arts sector and vice versa. They could come out stronger – together.
Even as the pandemic slowly begins to loosen its stranglehold on our lives, resulting in closed businesses, furloughed staff and plenty of havoc, negativity, and meltdown, we have noted that artists across the country – supported by those around them – have risen magnificently to the challenge. We have seen group and individual performances, drawing, sculpting, writing, dancing and poetising online and via Zoom. And so part of the new SIG as we re-emerge slowly out of darkness is to recognise their vitality and critical importance to all our lives; to reconfirm IoD’s commitment to the arts, welcome new members from the arts and allied professions – no less businesses than any other – and put on our own showpiece events across the spectrum featuring celebrities as well as ourselves.
Also, to bring our own modestly hidden compositions, sketches, instruments, and unsung great works into the open to share with other members and our celeb guests who will be no less delighted to get to know them – and you.
We kick start this new special interest group with our first webinar on Tuesday 21st July at 1800h at which our special guests BBC TV Proms and Radio 3 presenter Katie Derham, along with Karena Johnson CEO and Artistic Director at Hoxton Hall, who is the London theatre world’s first black female artistic director, and the legendary author of books on Royalty, journalist and TV Royalty pundit Hugo Vickers – will talk about the businesses they’re in – their work and the future of the arts as they see it and what the IoD can do and mean for the arts and what the arts can do and mean for the IoD and its members. This is a free webinar for members and non members. Feel free to share this link with your friends and neighbours.
Scheduled at present for Nov 6th, the next event -both live and online from the Carlton Room in Pall Mall – will be a fascinating panel-to-audience session with guest personalities and experts on “inside today’s fast changing recording industry.
We have a 2021 orchestral concert planned for a date to be agreed early in the New Year. It will likely take place at Pall Mall and be led by London’s orchestral ensemble giving a concert including some of Bach’s magnificent Brandenburg Concertos and Vaughan Williams’ “The Lark Ascending”. A Poetry Night is planned for the spring – inviting our members to bring their own works to read and share with distinguished household-name guest poets – and our own audience of members and their guests who will always be welcome to the SIG events.
Later plans will include in-house painting and sketching seminars, “ how to return to the piano after thirty years!” a members jazz -session, film-making night – all led by special guests with our members participation always at the forefront.
We look forward to welcoming many distinguished guests – and all kinds of members’ new guests who will be welcome to join our members at the events up and down the country – whom we hope may also feel inspired to join the IoD and benefit from yet another new dimension of our growing versatility.
Perhaps the best point should be kept to the end. That is that the IoD is and always has been quick to move with changing times. And never so much as in our emergence from a world-shaking pandemic – however long that takes. The arts will need the engagement and support from business individuals and organisations that belong to the IoD as never before. The IoD too needs to unravel the huge artistic talents within its membership – and allow its members to grow their own range of cultural diversifications and empathies as part of growing into the more broad based and rounded company leaders and manager our society needs for future generations. SME’s form an exciting and fast-growing part of our IoD membership in the 2020s. This may well be news to huge numbers of artists and arts organisations – that we have a swelling new wave of brilliant entrepreneurs in our midst as well as the longer established companies who for so long have held the stage – and helped hold the arts together financially at critical times. This new SIG heralds a new and thrilling meeting place for all parties involved! And a warm welcome.
All “live events” as distinct from webinars etc are subject to deferment or such government restrictions on social distancing that may be announced at any time – and will always be promptly conveyed to members