Localised networking for IoD East of England members launches
This month saw the successful launch of a new series of localised networking events for IoD members, to allow members to meet and engage with fellow members from around their place of work or home.
The idea behind the meetings is for IoD members who live or work in the same area to meet/interact without agenda and to be member centric events with occasional input from IoD ambassadors and chairs. The primary objective is to create a safe, positive and encouraging space for directors and leaders to come together and share ideas and challenges. During this time of crisis, it often helps if one can speak to one’s peers, it will not solve all our woes but at least will be a forum to air one’s views and offer support and comfort.
The first of these events was hosted by IoD Ambassador Paul Durrant and brought together members from around the Brentwood area, which inconsideration of current restrictions was held online. Members from a variety of different size organisations and industries came together to discuss local, regional and national challenges and opportunities, with feedback highlighting how useful and positive the meeting was.
‘Paul was a good host and managed the meeting well. The IT worked and it was good to meet the other attendees and find out what they do. Paul was very informative regarding the IoD, its features etc. He was also very helpful in relation to my specific question which was to be directed to Essex based grant and assistance organisations.’
Following this pilot event, IoD East of England will be holding these events at various locations across Essex, Herts, Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs in 2021, initially online and then face to face as restrictions are lifted. If you would like to learn more about joining an event in your local area then please get in contact; click here.