Spotlight on the University of Essex Research and Innovation for Competitive Edge
Our recent East of England Expo brought together businesses and organisations from across the region to encourage collaboration, innovation and competitive advantage through new business connections.
One such was the University of Essex whose teams of world-leading researchers partner with organisations throughout the UK to take the risk out of innovation and accelerate business growth.
Commercially driven and underpinned by world class research, the university uses its expertise to support businesses of all sizes to find the most appropriate pathway for innovation of new products, operational processes and services.
From working with SMEs to enhance efficiency and explore new avenues to growth, to the design and development of bespoke technology for global organisations, the university’s business engagement team helps businesses to innovate for growth.
Essex has a successful track record of delivering innovative and disruptive projects through award-winning Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), consultancy and collaborative research. It currently manages the largest Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) portfolio in the UK and a collaborative portfolio, including other funding streams, of more than 60 projects worth over £12m. For Essex, over 90% of their submissions are funded – so time well spent for busy business owners.
Working in collaboration with the university, businesses can access up to £150,000 of support through the Innovate UK programme, part-government-funded collaborations between universities and businesses. Alternatively, organisations can partner with the university through the broader Innovate UK portfolio to secure up to £3m for disruptive collaborative projects. Essex has a sector-leading track record in winning funding and supports business collaborations throughout the process – from scoping through to funding wins, and recruitment of talent through to project completion.
Essex’s successful business track record includes partnerships across many sectors from agriculture and supply chain fulfilment to health.
In the agricultural sector, it worked with market leading onion grower Stourgarden to discover ways of reducing its carbon footprint through alternative growing methods, and tackled labour shortages in the soft fruit sector, through the design of low-cost harvesting and packaging robotics with preserves manufacturer Wilkin and Sons, owners of the Tiptree brand.
In the fulfilment and logistics space, Essex worked with Finishing Line, an established packaging contractor, to transfer its services into the digital space through a Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership (mKTP).
While in the healthcare sector, the university used its expertise in data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tackle complex public service challenges and improve the delivery of targeted services for the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT). That same expertise was deployed to improve cancer screening, diagnostics and treatment in collaboration with award-winning healthcare provider Check4Cancer.
Robert Walker is Head of Business Engagement at University of Essex and is passionate about supporting business growth and innovation.
Robert said: “Essex’s business engagement team attended the IoD Expo because we wanted to put our expertise front and centre of helping businesses in the region grow through innovation.
“The path to business innovation can feel difficult, but with the support of university expertise and funding, businesses can grow faster and smarter. Our aim is to drive greater awareness for the guidance and support available to companies across Essex and the UK.
“We partner with companies of all sizes across the country to share our university expertise to help businesses thrive. Our expert team has a wealth of experience and businesses with which we collaborate can draw on knowledge from more than 700 academic experts, as well as specialist consultants to support their business needs.
“You don’t need a detailed brief to approach us – simply bring us the issues you’re facing or the exciting ideas your teams have and we will pinpoint the expertise you need and help you find the right solution for your business.”
Find out more about how Essex can support your business to develop new products or services, or improve existing processes, as well as unlock funding opportunities:
To find out more, visit: essex.ac.uk/business/innovation or email: [email protected]