Introducing our new Essex Branch Ambassador Lara Fox
IoD Essex Branch Ambassador Introduction.
Your name: Lara Fox
Your title/role and company name: Director, Objective Computing Ltd
Your IoD branch: IoD Essex
Your IoD Branch Ambassador role: Family Business Ambassador
Q: How long have you been involved with the IoD?
I joined the IOD at the beginning of 2017. My mother recommended that I joined – she had been a member for over twenty years in the past – and in fact was given IOD Membership by her father as her 26th birthday present soon after she set up Objective, our family business!
What attracted me as a newly appointed director was the information service. However, I soon realised there was a lot more to the IOD: the fantastic people I was meeting and what I was learning at the events, such as sources of funding which we have since used for our marketing campaigns, are such a help for a director.
Q: Can you tell us a little about your career to date?
I have worked most of my life. At primary school I tried selling photocopies of the Spice Girls Autograph; I also helped Objective choose its design and logo. This mixed with retail experience working for Asda and Currys. After completing my BA (Hons) in History I started work at Objective in 2012 as a Marketing Assistant and studied with the Chartered Institute of Marketing. I progressed to a Project Manager and in 2016 I started my MBA with Essex University which we have used as a platform for transition and succession. In 2018 I took over as Managing Director of Objective.
Q: What do you hope to achieve as an IoD Branch Ambassador?
Three things:
1.) Introduce other Directors to the value the IOD can add to their business
2.) Share the experiences I have had with others to help our businesses succeed.
3.) Learn from the experiences of others.
I would like to be recognised as a friendly go to person.
Q: If you could give your 21 year-old self some advice what would it be?
I think every age is about making the most of life at that stage in your life. At 21, I was in my last year at University, so my advice would be to enjoy it while you can.
Q: What keeps you busy outside of work?
I see my friends, read a lot and absolutely adore my dog, Harvey. With much to learn, a heavy work load, dog walks etc. I’m struggling to find time to improve my tennis.
Q: Are there any business related or policy issues that keep you awake at night?
Our work is very interesting and we work closely with our clients. My mind is always spinning with ideas to help us and our clients improve their businesses. We have a great team and keeping them motivated is always a concern especially as workloads fluctuate.
Q: Why do you think business leaders should join the IoD?
The IOD is a tremendous resource of business people, help and experience – a great sounding board, educator, information service (especially with employee legislation) and source of business contacts and opportunities. It is an important lobbyist for business. It is great value for money. Being a director can sometimes be lonely – working with a friendly but established organisation there is a wealth of resources and people to keep you company and help.
John Granneman