Influence engagement webinar ESG Priorities for UK companies
Join the IoD Kent Ambassadors ‘Influence’ Sub-Committee in a quarterly 60 minutes online presentation and discussion.
‘Better Directors Build a Better World’
The IoD believes that ‘Better Directors Build a Better World’. Over the next 3 years (2021- 2023) the newly formed IoD Kent Influence sub-committee will be reaching out on a quarterly basis to IoD Members in an online Presentation & Discussion format in support of this belief.
The IoD Kent Influence sub-committee comprises William English CBE, Chair & Ambassador for Policy and Corporate Governance, and Lesley Bennett, Senior Branch Manager for IoD Kent and SE Region.
Each event will be just 60mins long and include a guest speaker speaking for 15 minutes, followed by 25 minutes of open forum discussion on the chosen subject. In the last 5 minutes the Chair will sum up with some key take-aways and signposting to further study in the topic of the day.
We hope Members will find these events both intellectually stimulating and an opportunity to broaden their network across the IoD community.
Topic to be announced shortly.
Stephen Kirk
Stephen Kirk is CEO of SKCI and Board of two sustainability businesses: Planet Mark and Turnkey Group. He specialises in helping companies find ways to use technology to transform their business models and drive sustainable growth. Stephen has specific experience and expertise in developing growth strategies that also address ESG, climate change and sustainability. He is the Sustainability Ambassador for IOD Hampshire and is also a member of the IOD’s national Sustainability Task Force.
William English CBE, CDir, FIoD
Chair and combined CEO Owen English & Son. Following a full career in the Services, William is business educated at Manchester Business School, the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) - CMgr & FCMI; the Institute of Directors (IoD) - CDir & FIoD; Fellow, Royal Geographical Society. IoD Ambassador (Kent) covering Policy & Governance. Experienced Non-Executive Director (NED); currently a NED with Delano Kindred Inc. (USA). Independent Distance Learner (IDL) with Heriot Watt University in a PG Dip & MSc Brewing and Distilling Programme. A specialist in strategic and operational planning & delivery; William places Governance at the core of all he does and is interested in enabling Sustainable Business.
William set up this Director Engagement programme during COVID in 2021; 01 Dec 22 is the last of the current package with a focus on ESG. William is planning a new package of 8 director, governance engagements in 2023 and 2024.

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