China Business Group
A space to engage and build relationships between UK and Chinese businesses
The IoD China Business Group has five main aims:
Improve UK decision-making on China, boosting international trade and relations.
Become an impactful voice for businesses on China, providing policy analysis to inform decision makers.
Seek to encourage bilateral connections between China and the UK.
Provide a substantial platform for high-calibre stakeholders to connect, bringing balance and nuance to the China debate.
Deliver excellent content to advance understanding and generate in-house thought leadership.
On Wednesday 16 October 2024 the IoD China Group, chaired by Steven Lynch MBE and Brandon Barford, hosted a unique webinar in which we explore what the next US administration could mean for the UK and global business.
On Monday 24 June 2024 the IoD China Group, chaired by Steven Lynch MBE, hosted a highly insightful UK-China Inaugural Summer Conference, focusing on strategic engagement and policy discussions.