IoD Scotland State of the Nation survey 2024
As many members will be aware, this is now the 3rd year of the survey, the results of which provide us with useful baseline data as to where things are at for our individual members, but also valuable information to support our work to influence policy on your behalf.
The survey this year goes into more detail in certain areas that have proved to be important in recent years but should still take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
To complete the survey, please click here.
It is open for completion until Sunday 3rd of March and as ever, we are keen for as many members to complete and return as possible. The more responses we receive, the stronger our voice is.
You will also notice in the survey that we have brought The Herald newspaper on board as a media partner. Part of this arrangement involves The Herald asking some specific questions. Please note that all of The Herald’s questions are optional and have been clearly marked within the survey.
Our motivation for bringing a media partner on board is to help us raise awareness and publicise the results of the survey. We know from a wide range of stakeholders that the IoD State of the Nation survey is valuable as it presents cross sector, cross industry views of decision makers from right across Scotland, making it unique in its sample.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.