Everything you need to know to be a better director
Open courses
IoD open courses cover the essentials needed to successfully steer an organisation. You can take courses individually or as part of a tailored training package. The first four professional development courses listed here make up the Certificate in Company Direction – the first stage in our Chartered Director Programme.

Real-world experience
Expert practitioners share strategic insights, practical experience and relevant case studies.
Stronger governance
Course content provides a detailed understanding of the roles and responsibilities of leadership teams.
Flexible delivery
In-person, virtual and online learning at a pace that suits your career, role or life stage needs.

What do you need to learn next?

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Download our Professional Development Overview
All you need to plan your next move.

Here to help
Please get in touch if you have any questions about our business courses. Our contact hours are 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. If you would like someone from our team to contact you, please email us at [email protected] and we will get in touch within 24 hours on weekdays.