IoD NI CDir Blog - Taking my professional development to the next level

By Roger Henderson, Network Assets Director, NIE Networks

I’ve been in a senior leadership role for some time but have become more acutely  aware of just how rapidly governance is evolving. This was something that was reinforced quite recently while undertaking the IoD’s Chartered Director qualification.

I am of the strong belief that professional development at all levels is incredibly important, and when considering how best to take my own professional development forward, the comprehensive structure of the Chartered Director course along with the robust assessment methods implemented stood out to me as key elements – ultimately prompting me to enrol.

The changing face of governance and what it could mean for our organisations is something that all leaders should be aware of, and it is also hugely important to understand how vital forward-thinking strategy and leadership is, especially in times of so much uncertainty.

For leaders seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of these key areas, courses such as the Chartered Director programme are invaluable.

I would say that achieving Chartered Director status has enabled me to develop further in my role as Director as I was provided with a more in-depth perspective into the various responsibilities and skills required to become more successful at executive level.

This has allowed me to gain a better understanding not only of the requirements of my role, but how to fulfil them both effectively and efficiently.

For me personally, developing a routine and taking a methodical approach to the course made the whole process of gaining the qualification that bit easier and I would recommend finding an approach that works best for you – as this will allow you to maintain momentum and take time to enjoy the learning process.

The IoD Chartered Director qualification represents an industry leading option for directors who, by demonstrating a strong commitment to bettering their own skills and the performance of their organisations can take their leadership to the next level.

I would certainly recommend the programme for both aspiring and practising directors.

About the Chartered Director qualification: The Chartered Director programme is internationally recognised and comprises three stages.

The first is the Certificate in Company Direction, followed by the Diploma in Company Direction, before the final stage, the Chartered Director Qualification.

Further information can be found at

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