Mentoring matters
Join the IoD Surrey Branch, hot on the heels of National Mentoring Day, as we celebrate with the IoD’s strategic partner for mentoring The Association of Business Mentors the value and benefit that professional business mentoring can bring to the director community.
We believe that better directors build better organisations, and better organisations build a better world.
Embedded in our IoD Surrey Branch calendar of activity, designed by directors for directors, are some stand-alone special events. Each designed to help our members pause, reflect and think differently to discover complementary ways to support their professional director development journey.
A panel session with quick fire questions will kick off the evening – debunking some myths, sharing the secrets to get the best out of your mentoring engagement with your mentor and providing some valuable food for thought. Then we’ll move into several rounds of short speed mentoring, so you can sample different mentor approaches and gain a variety of expert insights to support you. We’ll then round off the evening with some open peer to peer networking.
Whether you’ve had some mentoring support in the past or you’re a mentoring novice, come along and discover the difference professional business mentoring could make to you. Bring a business challenge you’re navigating or an opportunity you’re exploring, and experience professional business mentoring as a key to hold the key to unlocking your business ideas and strategies.
In just 2 hours leave with new perspectives, new professional contacts and maybe even with a new mentor who can guide and advise you on improving your business journey and business results.
The mentors we’ve handpicked to support the evening are all experienced directors of their own business enterprises, are full members of the ABM and are Surrey based. Many are IoD members too, and some even serve on the IoD Surrey Branch Committee!
Over wine and canapes enjoy the opportunity for peer-to-peer director networking too, in the private environment that is the Library Room at Foxhills Club & Resort.
This director special event gives you the opportunity to experience one of the recently added IoD member benefits – access to professional business mentoring from the ABM.
Let us bring mentoring to life for you with the opportunity to meet in person a selection of professional, qualified, experienced mentors. Don’t miss the chance to tap into their knowledge, expertise and networks, a great way to ensure you are maximising your membership.
Are you new to the IoD and to visiting Foxhills? Foxhills is an award-winning country club and hotel and one of the best golf resorts in the UK near London. Foxhills Manor House is also a VIP business experience venue - built into your IoD membership just waiting for you to take full advantage of what’s on offer.
IoD members are welcome to arrive before the Mentoring Matters event and work from the Manor House, The Foxhills Business Centre in association with the Institute of Directors. Thanks to our strategic partnership with Foxhills you can benefit from this valuable additional IoD membership benefit.
Theme Professional Business Mentoring – delivering better directors for a better world.
Speakers IoD Surrey Branch Chair & ABM Mentor, Jarmila Yu, will be moderating the speaker panel.The Panel
- Georgina Waite – CEO, The ABM
- Kerrie Dorman – Founder, The ABM
- Chris Dowling – Director, The ABM
- Kate Davis – Vice Chair, IoD Surrey Branch & ABM Mentor
- Mark Walley – IoD Surrey Branch Ambassador for Mentoring & ABM Mentor
- Ben Fielding – IoD Surrey Branch Ambassador for Technology & ABM Mentor
The Mentors
- Some will be participating in the speed mentoring sessions, some will be available for general questions and conversation
- Alexandra Pickford, The Growth Guardian
- Ben Fielding, Quinset Consulting Ltd
- Chris Dowling, Chris Dowling Business Mentoring
- Chris Dyson, The Big Blue Box Ltd
- Georgina Waite, The ABM
- Jarmila Yu, YUnique Marketing Ltd
- Kate Davis, Kate Davis Associates
- Kerrie Dorman, The ABM
- Mark Walley, STEP
- Phil Howell, Intuition Un Ltd
The Timings
- 6.30 pm Arrival
- 6.45 pm Welcome
- 6.50 Panel Session
- 7.10 Speed Mentoring 3 rounds of 10 minutes each, with a 5 minute handover
- 8.00 pm Closing Words
- 8.05pm Open Networking 8.05pm
- 8.30pm Departure
Rules Respect confidentiality, only share information you are willing to share between mentor / mentee.
- Wine & Canapes
- Elderflower Fizz (a soft option)
- Tea / Coffee
The difference between a good director and a great director is the company they keep. Meet and learn from directors across the UK and beyond. Connect with your local branch to broaden your network, build your career and strengthen your organisation. Develop with us. Advance your skills and knowledge with professional development created by directors for directors. Professional Mentoring is an additional way you can support your development. Invest in yourself. Strengthen your business. Be ready for what’s next.
This event is open to IoD members, and those interested in becoming a member.
Places are limited so be sure to register your attendance as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you there!
P.S. Kindly note that the event will be making a donation to the IoD Surrey Branch Charity, the Kent, Surrey, Sussex Air Ambulance Service.
Sponsor To sponsor this event or to explore sponsoring any of the IoD Surrey Branch events at Foxhills to support both the work of the IoD and the Surrey business community giving your business a valuable profile awareness boost please contact: the Surrey Chair, Jarmila Yu via email: [email protected]
Thank you for supporting this event.
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