IoD South West roundtable - Scaling Up to Grow Globally Online
West England has a vibrant Tech sector with one of the UK’s leading Tech Eco-Systems for Start Ups and Scale Ups. This online event will offer IoD members the opportunity to discuss with other West England Tech leaders and stakeholders the challenges that can cause Techs to stall as they Scale Up to Grow Globally.
This roundtable event will explore:
- What are the challenges you face?
- What funding and infrastructure support do you need to take your business to the next level?
- What skills and expert support do you need to Scale Up and Grow Globally?
- What needs to improve across the Tech West England eco-system?
- How can we help bridge these gaps?
Chaired by James Savage, Ambassador for High Tech Industries and Tech Ventures, IoD SW Roundtable discussion facilitated by Richard Lowe Founder, Tech West England Advocates and Managing Director, Hewlett Rand.
Tech West England Advocates, along with partners, are pioneering several roundtable debates with a goal to collate the key themes that emerge from these important questions. We have invited Tech CEOs and MDs from a diverse range of Techs companies across the region to discuss and debate these, and more, questions. The outputs will help to steer Tech West England Tech Advocates events and initiatives to support our Tech eco-system across the region and with our engagement with our Global Tech Advocates community.
10.00 Welcome, James Savage, Ambassador for High Tech Industries and Tech Ventures, IoD SW 10.05 Video introduction, Russ Shaw CBE, Founder of Global Tech Advocates 10.10 Tech West England Advocates, Richard Lowe, Founder & Director of Hewlett Rand 10.15 Facilitated roundtable discussion 11.15 Key themes summarised, James Savage, IoD SW 11.25 Plenary 11.30 Close
James Savage
Over 30 years in the technology sector with asset management, professional services, and industry experience. Substantial experience acting as an Independent Director on the boards of 10 technology companies since 2004.
Based in Hong Kong from 1994 to 2018, extensive knowledge of the technology industry in Asia including India, Greater China, SE Asia, Korea, and Japan. Founding Partner of HSBC's Asian Venture Capital business. Previously, Chairman of the Venture Committee of the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association.
Since returning to the UK in August 2019 applying these skills by acting as a NED or advisor to growing technology companies.
Chartered Director, Fellow Chartered Accountant and Hong Kong SFC Licensed Investment Representative from 2000 to 2018.
Tech West England Advocates

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