• 21 Jun 2023
  • Online

Competitive Advantage how to disrupt, stand out, increase revenue & gain a 2-year edge

Uncovering your meaningful advantage.

It is never what, or where, you think it is, and a lot easier to develop than you imagine!

Finding, and crafting, your true competitive advantage can lead to an edge that lasts up to two years.   Uncovering your meaningful advantage is easier, and quicker, than you think. Forget the 'latest fad', and grasp instead, a singular advantage that wholly differentiates you within your market. During this session you will: 

  • Discover the top 10 myths of Compete Advantage (the barriers to your success, preventing you from standing out in your market)
  • Realise that a short, small, rapid and SINGLE change is all that is needed
  • Focus - having a single, rounded, and best strategic competitive advantage means you can drop desperate tactics that won't work, so you only need only one, simple plan - therefore reducing costs and stress, whilst improving revenue income - and increasing the overall value of your organisation!
  • See how easy it is to bring your people along - a very specific advantage delivers a stronger promotional message, elevator pitch, and selling process, and confidence
  • Hear how to amplify your position in the market (and get the better prices that you deserve)
  • Arguably, be able to actually own the market


David Hood

Director of the Edinburgh Institute ™, a specialist in strategic competitive advantage, revenue and real value for the Citizen, Customer, and Client. Author of business books 'The Marketing Manifesto' to improve marketing, 'CompetitiveSME' to bring big-company branding and practical advantage to smaller business, and 'Direct!' for exemplary direct marketing techniques.

David is a Fellow of the RSA and a new IoD Member.

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