Behind the Scenes at Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH)
This is a networking event and an opportunity for the charity to showcase their essential services to businesses.
Nearly 30 years ago during the severe winter of 1991 a number of church parishioners, led by 4 strong willed women became concerned about the plight of people sleeping rough in Perth. Their concern and compassion lead to the formation of CATH with the introduction of a soup kitchen run by volunteers, which included the original 4 ladies who we fondly refer to as the “Founding Mothers of CATH”. The soup kitchen started in St Mathews Church and subsequently in a number of different locations until the Day Centre opened its doors on the Ladeside in 1995 with our first paid member of staff providing a more comprehensive range of support.
Churches Action for the Homeless (CATH) continues to be a local charity which supports, encourages and promotes the development and delivery of services to alleviate and prevent homelessness, and address the issue of poor housing. Like the four Founding Mothers before us CATH seeks to work with others to improve the circumstances faced by people challenged by homelessness in all its forms in the Perth & Kinross Council area.
Richard Howat
Chief Executive Officer
Churches Action for the Homeless
I came into the field of social care in my thirties. Prior to this I had a successful career in sales. My change in career was not really a ‘road to Damascus’ moment rather a growing disquiet with life brought to a head by the death of my father.
I started as a Day Centre Officer working with adults with learning difficulties in a new community based facility. Since then I have developed a broad base of experience working with different client groups, different types of service and in different roles. This has been a wonderful journey of discovery for me, in some ways about me, and I continue to learn. Mostly it has been about people, and their ability to overcome adversity.
I have taken responsibility for my own development. My higher education was carried out on a part-time basis while holding down full time employment. It allowed me to develop a much broader understanding of health and social care issues as well as the theory to back up my practice. I have been able to apply my skills and knowledge as a trustee of two small voluntary sector organisations which were also brilliant learning experiences and added to my insight into the 3rd Sector.
Finally I am passionate about what I do. I am motivated by social justice and equality.

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